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Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor day with grandkids...went to Orange Street Fair....visited with Aunt Betty in Long Beach. Get back to my blog later today...

Saturday, August 29, 2015

I listened to Francis Chan all morning...for hours. He makes me want to be a better Christian. Recently, I read two books that changed my life. Half the Sky by Nicolas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn and the other book, Authority in Prayer by Dutch Sheets. I must warn you that you will need a box of tissue for the Sky book: horrifying, sad and disgusting all at the same time. We cannot ignore the horrendous plight of women and children in this world. We must be aware and then act on our knowledge. The other book by Sheets, gives us one of the important tools for this fight, prayer. Without prayer, we're all goners. Pray and ask God where He would use you in the fight for the voiceless. I'm counting on you.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

I'mmmm back

I'm finally back. I gave up trying to write in my blog because it turned into a chore..not my intention. Also, more lame excuses, for some reason my cursor jumps all over the text..very annoying and I haven't been able to find a solution. So much has happened in the last 15 months. Yes, that's how long it's been since my last post. Too much to discuss. Let me say that I have completed two courses of training for teaching caregivers of traumatized children. I completed the Celebrating Children course with Janna Moats and Loom out of Portland. I also completed the two Modules for teaching with Crisis Care Training International out of South Carolina. I then went to Fairbanks, Alaska and taught Module I. I am currently in the process of reorganizing the nonprofit and seeing where God will send me with all this wonderful new information. Stay tuned, and i promise it won't be 15 months before i'm back.